Earlier this summer, I had an interesting conversation with one of the children in my neighborhood. She wondered out loud if birdseed were 'real seeds' and if they could be planted the same way 'real seeds' could be. This set the stage for a fun, month-long science experiment in which we tried to answer the question... what happens when you plant birdseed?
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Planting birdseed is a simple STEM activity that can help bridge any disconnect students may have about birdseed being actual seeds. It can also be integrated with any science lesson about plant life cycles, parts of plants, and food that comes from plants.
You Will Need:
To answer this question, we used materials from my garden shed:- plastic flower pot
- potting soil
- birdseed
There are no complicated steps to this experiment. Simply add the
potting soil to the flower pot. Sprinkle a handful of birdseed on top
of the soil and gently pack it down a bit. Place the flower pot in a
sunny spot and keep the soil moist.

Within a week, our birdseed began to sprout and it grew quickly. The
first things to grow were some grassy plants and sunflowers.

After a month, most of the grassy plants withered and died. The
sunflowers, however, continued to grow and were eventually transplanted into
the garden.

Birdseed is 'real seed.' It can be planted like 'real seeds' and will
grow if you water it and keep it in a sunny place.
Fun Photos
One morning I went outside and discovered someone had decorated the plants
with little lawn decorations and toy animals. What a fun and adorable

Did you enjoy reading about planting birdseed? If so, check out these blog
posts for more gardening and planting ideas:
- STEM: How to Grow Celery from Scraps STEM Activity
- Book: Grow! How We Get Food from Our Garden by Karl Beckstrand
- Book + Craft: Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singers by John S. Armstrong
- Craft: How to Make Earth Day Seed Bombs
- STEM: Pumpkin Life Cycle STEM Activity
- STEM: Dirty Socks STEM Experiment: How Do Seeds Travel?