Dirty Socks STEM Experiment: How Do Seeds Travel?

In an earlier post (What Happens When You Plant Birdseed?), I described a science experiment in which some children in the neighborhood and I grew plants from birdseed this summer.  The children 'discovered' that birdseed can produce plants and those plants are able to grow and thrive.  In this blog post, I will describe another science experiment involving seeds.  This time we are going to learn about how seeds can travel!

Dirty Socks is a science experiment that demonstrates how seeds can travel by hitching themselves to clothing & animal fur. You only need clean socks!

Right Now, I Am Fine by Dr. Daniela Owen

There is a lot of talk these days about mindfulness.  It's the latest craze in health and wellness.  We see memes about it on social media, books about it in stores and libraries, videos about it on YouTube, etc.  We often told to be more mindful and to help our students and children become more mindful.  But what does that mean?  What is mindfulness?  Why is it important?  How do we do that?  Right Now, I Am Fine by Dr. Daniela Owen answers these questions and more.  Keep reading to learn Right Now, I Am Fine.

Learn about mindfulness, why it's important and how it can help students in the classroom by reading Right Now, I Am Fine by Dr. Daniela Owen.

Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.

Germs vs. Soap by Didi Dragon

Handwashing is a vital skill for children to learn.  Their hands come into contact with countless germs each day.  This is especially problematic when children put their hands in their mouths or touch their eyes.  Handwashing is the best defense against spreading germs.  Germs vs. Soap by Didi Dragon is a fictional story based on facts.  It teaches children why they need to wash their hands and the right way to wash them.  Keep reading to learn more about this entertaining and educational story!

Learn about germs and the importance of washing your hands with this simple science demonstration and by reading Germs vs. Soap by Didi Dragon.

If you are looking for the handwashing (pepper + dish soap) activity, it has been moved to its own blog post.  You can find it at Pepper and Soap STEM Experiment.  Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.

10 Children's Books About the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The beginning of the school year is here and, for the first time in recent history, students and teachers are going back to school in the midst of a global pandemic.  No one really knows what to expect this school year and everyone feels anxiety on some level.  Listed below are 10 children's books about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and some of the issues children have to deal with.  

A compilation of ten children's books about the coronavirus (COVID-19).  Fiction and nonfiction books are included in the list.

Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.

Recognizing Anxiety in Children

It is normal for children to feel anxious at times.  Examples of 'normal stress' include the beginning of the school year, having to stand up to present a report, or getting called on to answer questions in class.

However, 'bad stress' occurs when children feel anxious for prolonged periods of time and aren't able to effectively manage what they are feeling.  When this happens, the anxiety they feel can interfere with their school work, social interactions, class behavior, and self-esteem.  As teachers, we need to know what the symptoms of anxiety in children are, recognize when the children become anxious, and help them manage how they feel.

When children experience anxiety, they do not display the same symptoms as adults. Learn to recognize the signs of anxiety in children.

Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.

What Happens When You Plant Birdseed? STEM Experiment

Earlier this summer, I had an interesting conversation with one of the children in my neighborhood.  She wondered out loud if birdseed were 'real seeds' and if they could be planted the same way 'real seeds' could be.  This set the stage for a fun, month-long science experiment in which we tried to answer the question... what happens when you plant birdseed?

Use the scientific process to answer the question... What happens when you plant birdseed? A simple science experiment that requires minimal materials.

Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.

Sammy Spider's First Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah starts on September 18th this year and it's never too early to start making plans for how you'll celebrate.  Little kids can help with the festivities too.  They can make cards for the people in their families. When choosing a story for preschool children, you need a story with bold pictures and a storyline they can follow.  Sammy Spider's First Rosh Hashanah has both.

Learn about Rosh Hashanah and apples dipped in honey with Sammy Spider's First Rosh Hashanah by Sylvia Rouss
Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.

When the Chickens Went on Strike: A Rosh Hashanah Tale by Erica Silverman

Rosh Hashanah... the Jewish New year... will begin on September 18th of this year and will last until September 20th.  During Rosh Hashanah people will sound the shofar each morning, light candles in the evenings, enjoy festive meals with friends and family, and attend services at a synagogue.  Some people will also participate in the Jewish ritual of atonement called kapores (also known as kapparot or kaporos) during this time.  Kapores is a ritual in which a chicken or money is waved over a person's head and the chicken is then slaughtered in accordance with halachic rules and donated to charity.  Kapores is a controversial practice and people often choose to wave money instead of a chicken.  Some choose not to do either.  Erica Silverman tells the story of kapores from an interesting perspective... from the perspective of the chickens!  The story is called When the Chickens Went on Strike: A Rosh Hashanah Tale and was first published in 2003.  

Learn about the Jewish ritual of atonement called kapores/kapparot/kaporos with the book When the Chickens Went on Strike by Erica Silverman.

Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.

Top Five Science Materials to Keep in Your Kitchen

You don't have to have expensive science equipment to engage children in meaningful science activities at home.  In fact, you don't have to spend much money at all.  In this blog post, I'll share with you five items that you may already have in your kitchen.  If you don't have them already, you can find them in grocery stores and dollar stores near you.

A compilation of five household ingredients in your kitchen that you can use for science experiments. You might have them already in your cabinets!
Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.

What is Labor Day?

Labor Day in the United States is a public holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September.  It honors American workers who contribute to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.  It is also a federal holiday that marks the unofficial end of summer.  Here are five fun facts about Labor Day for you.

Labor Day in the United States is a public holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September. What is it all about? Find out with these fun facts.

Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.

Five Fun Facts About Honey Bees

August 18 is National Honey Bee Day.  This day was designed to bring awareness to these little insects who do a big job.  Did you know that these insects are responsible for pollinating up to 1/3 of the world's food supply?  Without them, we could have a critical food shortage around the globe.  Read on to learn more about honey bees and what they can do!

Learn about honey bees, why they are important, and how we can help them with these five fun facts!

This is an updated version of a blog post I wrote in 2018.  Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.

Keko and the Lost Bananas by Cynthia Pilcher

Keko and the Lost Bananas by Cynthia Pilcher is a sweet story about friendship and sharing.  It features two animal friends who have a problem to work out: Dilly, a small fruit bat, has taken Keko's beloved bananas without permission.  Keko is a monkey... and we all know how much monkeys love bananas!

Learn about friendship and sharing with Keko and the Lost Bananas by Cynthia Pilcher... book two in The Woodland Adventures series.
Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.

How to Make Your Own Playdough

When I taught preschool years ago, making my own playdough was something I did on a regular basis.  The children loved playing with it and we probably went through a batch every other week.  I'm not sure where the recipe I used came from; it hung faithfully on the school's kitchen wall ever since I could remember.  The one thing that made this recipe different from the others I tried was the secret ingredient... Kool-Aid packets.  Keep reading for that recipe!

Learn how to make playdough with this simple recipe. You will need flour, salt, cream of tartar, vegetable oil, water and Kool Aid packets.

Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.

The Cloud Book by Tomie dePaola

Many 2nd and 3rd grade students learn about clouds in their science classes.  They learn about how clouds are formed in the atmosphere, what the different types are, and what each type forecasts.  If your students need to learn about clouds in your class, keep reading.  In this blog post, I'll introduce you to The Cloud Book by Tomie dePaola and a twist on a traditional cloud craft.

Learn about the different types of clouds with The Cloud Book written and illustrated by Tomie dePaola then make a model with this simple craftivity.

This is an updated version of a blog post I wrote in 2014. Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.

Helping Your Left-Handed Students

Today is August 13th... did you know it is also International Lefthanders Day?  An estimated seven to ten percent of the world's population is left-handed and International Lefthanders Day brings attention to the advantages and disadvantages of being left-handed in a predominately right-handed world.  Chances are you have a student or two in your class who is left-handed.  Here are three simple strategies you can use in the classroom to support his/her writing efforts

Three easy strategies for teachers and parents to help their left-handed students and children.

Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.

What is STEM Education?

STEM education is becoming increasingly popular in our school systems.  Students often take STEM classes and participate in STEM activities at school.  What is STEM and why is it so important?  Read on to find out!

What is STEM? STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Learn more about STEM education and why it's important.

The Chalk Box Kid by Clyde Robert Bulla

The Chalk Box Kid by Clyde Robert Bulla is a terrific book to use when introducing chapter books to second-grade students. It's not terribly long. . . only 64 pages. . . and has clear cut characters, settings, problems, and solution. 

Learn about The Chalk Box Kid by Clyde Robert Bulla, an early chapter book for children, and how it can be used in the classroom.

This is an updated version of a blog post I wrote in 2015.  Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.

How to Play Mum-ball / Mumball

Have you ever played mum-ball / mumball with your students?  It's a terrific game to play during recess or when your students need a quick brain break.  It gets the children up and moving and is super easy.  There are very few rules you need to remember and only one item you need. . . a big, bouncy, beach ball from your local department store.

Mumball/ Mum-ball is a fun game to play as a brain break or for inside recess.  Learn the rules of playing mum-ball.

This is an updated version of a blog post I wrote in 2015.
Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.

Celebrating Pirate Day with Pete the Cat and the Treasure Map by James Dean

It's August and we're in the midst of the pirate season.  All over the country, there are pirate festivals and celebrations.  Children enjoy dressing up as pirates, singing songs about pirates, and playing pirate games this time of year.  Are you looking for a fun activity to try with your children and students?  Try painting rocks to make pirate gold and going on a treasure hunt!

Read Pete the Cat and the Treasure Map by James Dean, hunt for pirate gold, and have a tasty treat for National Pirate Day!

This is an updated version of a blog post I wrote in 2015.  Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.

F is for Flag by Wendy Cheyette Lewison

On July 4th, people all over the United States celebrated Independence Day.  Many people attended picnics, parades, and carnivals.  Many people dressed up in red, white, and blue and many more enjoyed watching firework displays in their communities.  Even though the festivities of July 4th are over, this is a terrific time for small children to learn more about the American flag.  What colors are on the flag?  (red, white, and blue)  How many stripes are on the flag?  (thirteen)  How many stars are on the flag?  (fifty)  When we look at the flag, what should we think about and remember?  (America!)

Celebrate Flag Day, the Fourth of July, Veterans Day, or Memorial Day with some arts and crafts and the book F is for Flag Wendy Cheyette Lewison.

This is an updated version of a blog post I wrote in 2015.  Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.

Creative Ways to Practice Spelling

Are you tired of the same old, same old when it comes to spelling practice? Are you tired of having your students write their spelling words five times each or having them write their spelling words in sentences? If so, keep reading. In this post, I present to you four strategies that have helped my students with spelling over the years. I didn't invent these strategies... these strategies have been around for years. But these are the strategies my students have enjoyed the most and have gotten the most benefit from. I hope they'll help your students too. Enjoy!

Change up your spelling homework routine with these creative alternatives: rainbow words, pyramid words, red and blue words, and word scramble.

This is an updated version of a blog post I wrote in 2015.  Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.