

Kelly from Kelly's Classroom Online

Hello, friends! I'm Kelly W., the owner/operator/creative genius of Kelly's Classroom Online. I'm a veteran teacher of nearly 30 years and teaching early childhood education to 3rd grade is my specialty.

Kelly's Classroom Online was created for teachers and homeschooling parents so they could find newly released children's books, STEM experiments, craft projects, and other activities to use in their classrooms.
Be sure to subscribe to Kelly's Classroom Online so you can stay up-to-date with my blog posts!

Kelly from Kelly's Classroom Online

History of Kelly's Classroom Online

Kelly's Classroom Online... also known as "Kelly's Classroom"... has been around in some way, shape, or form since 2013.  It has a somewhat interesting history.

🍎 2013: The original Kelly's Classroom store was launched on Teachers Pay Teachers.
🍎 2014: The first posts on the original Kelly's Classroom blog were uploaded.
🍎 2017: The original Kelly's Classroom blog was hacked and everything was lost.
🍎 2018: Even though Kelly's Classroom on Teachers Pay Teachers was successful, I closed it because of the changes in the sales tax laws imposed on online retailers selling digital downloads.
🍎 2018 to 2020: I pouted about closing my store and losing my blog.
🍎 August 2020: I got tired of pouting and I got to work. Kelly's Classroom was rebuilt, redesigned, rebranded, and relaunched as Kelly's Classroom Online!

Frequently Asked Questions

🍎 Will I reopen Kelly's Classroom on Teachers Pay Teachers?
Probably not. I have always preferred blogging to resource creation, and I want to focus on my website right now.
🍎 Why are there still items in your Kelly's Classroom store?
Those are free items I make available for my readers and followers over time. As long as you have an account with Teachers Pay Teachers, you can download those items for free.
🍎 Where do you get the ideas for the things you blog about?
After teaching for nearly 30 years, I have a lot of ideas rolling around in my head! I've learned a lot during my time in the classroom and through collaboration with others. I read up on new trends in education and actually pay attention during those professional development sessions.
🍎 What are your favorite subjects to teach?
Reading, writing, and science.
🍎 What are your favorite things to blog about?
Reading, writing, and science, of course!
🍎 I'm an author/publisher/organization.  How do I get my books, products, and/or services featured on your website?
If you have a book, website, or product you'd like to see featured on Kelly's Classroom Online, let's talk.  Please visit the page Authors, Publishers, and Sponsors for more information.

Free Printables

To view and download the printables featured on this blog, please visit Kelly's Classroom Online on the Teachers Pay Teachers third-party website.  

Free Printables by Kelly's Classroom Online